baby photography

Saskatoon newborn

Saskatoon newborn

Last month I got to photograph my first newborn girl in a very long while!  It's been boy-palooza around here!!  She was gorgeous and had the most expressive little mouth, and her two big brothers loved her already.  Our in-home session stretched long because we had...

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We’re our own worst critics

We’re our own worst critics

I was lucky enough to photograph this little dude's sister when she was born.  We had some gorgeous flowers and new blankets to play with for her session and when we FINALLY got her to sleep, the shoot could have gone on for days.  (Of course I never did blog about it...

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Cub turns one!

Cub turns one!

  I was there at the beginning and now I get to be there for his first birthday.  I can hardly believe how fast the tiny little baby I photographed last August turned into the charming, cuddly,  smooch-able toddler we know and love today.  Mommy is having some...

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Newborn – Cohen

Newborn – Cohen

Would you just look at this beautiful boy!! I love doing in-home newborn sessions and I especially love them when the baby is agreeable as little Cohen was.  (We even got a couple of smiles out of the little guy!)  The football and basketball photos didn't go exactly...

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Sleepy Newborn

Sleepy Newborn

Miss Parker was such a lovely newborn to photograph - She slept like a dream and had the most beautiful skin!  (Talk about good genes. Look at these three!)   Mom & Dad have every reason to be as over-the-moon-happy as they seem to be. [gallery link="file"...

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